

Semi dedicated hosting services

Having more superfluous reserves and independence for your web portals is invariably a precious opportunity. The semi dedicated hosting solutions delivered by LiquidNet Ltd Hosting are suitably endowed with everything larger blogs would necessitate for speedier web site load times under sizable web traffic conditions. Juxtaposed with Private Virtual Server packages, the semi-dedicated web server accounts also provide unmetered domain web hosting possibilities, but carry a lot more processor and semi-dedicated server provisions, because of the less semi-dedicated server web hosting account holders availing of the same very rock-solid semi-dedicated server. Moreover, you still acquire the semi-dedicated web hosting server industry’s best hosting CP - Hepsia. As a standard accessory, at no additional fee. You will immensely value the point and click File Manager, the Domain Manager and the Email Manager, the 1-click PHP Script Installation Tool and the Website Installation Tool interfaces.

Hosting Details Semi Dedicated 1 Semi Dedicated 2
Monthly Fee
Storage Space Unlimited Unlimited
Server Bandwidth Unlimited Unlimited
CPU Usage 100% 200%
MySQL Queries 90 000 / hour 130 000 / hour
MySQL 5 Databases Unlimited Unlimited
MySQL Server Space Unlimited Unlimited
IP Address
Hosted Domains Unlimited Unlimited
E-mail Addresses Unlimited Unlimited
FTP Accounts Unlimited Unlimited
1-click PHP Script Installation Tool
Website Installation Tool
Free Web Page Themes
Web Service Uptime